Created in 1972 is a French aerospace society. Its mission is to support the aerospace profession, stimulate and enable progress in the state of the art of aerospace science and technology and represent the profession in public policy discussions.
Unite, share, enlighten and advance: 3AF is a forum for knowledge exchange.
Unite a network of more than 1000 members, 60 companies from the scientific aerospace community.
Share 10 international conferences and symposiums per year, experts publications.
Enlighten a scientific society, an expert pool of knowledge consulted by decision makers and media.
Advance 20 technical commissions which contribute to support the aerospace industry.
3AF Groupe Régional Midi Pyrénées
Campus ISAE, 10, avenue Edouard Belin
31400 Toulouse - France
Tel : +33(0)5 62 17 52 80
SEE (Société de l’Électricité, de l’Électronique et des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communications) is a nonprofit, state-approved, scientific and technical society, active in France since 1883.
It aims to bring together individuals and corporations interested in science and technology and in the progress of theories, practices and applications in the areas of energy, electronics, information technology and communications, aerospace, auto, transport, and biomedical applications.
Through its close relationships with major public utilities, with university and industry, through its links with other French and foreign associations of the same type, SEE actively contributes to the promotion of its field of activity and offers its members opportunities for particularly fruitful meetings and exchanges.
17, rue Hamelin
75783 PARIS Cedex 16 – France
Tel : +33(0)1 56 90 37 09
Email :
Abstract of Regular &
Short Paper submission (4 pages) : Sept.5th, 2021
Submission deadline
extended to October 3rd, 2021 (any time on earth)
Acceptance Notification : Nov. 18th, 2021
Regular Paper for review (10 pages) : Jan. 9th, 2022
Final Paper (Short and Regular) :
Jan. 30th, 2022
Congress (new dates): June 1st to 2nd, 2022